We hope you enjoyed the bells of St Laurence's church yesterday - even through closed curtains and windows! The Exion Bellringers from Exeter were touring the towers in our area - some even cycling between Churches in yesterday's unbearable heat. Thankfully it's wonderfully cool inside the church, but the cold drinks and refreshments were still gratefully received after working up a sweat from all that ringing. Our thanks to the group of ringers for visiting our tower.
If it's a cool, shady place you need, the church will be open Wednesday afternoon from 2 - 4 pm, so do pop in to get some relief from the heat. Cold drinks, brew and biscuits available.
Follow us on Facebook or keep visiting this site for updates on the Heritage and Nature Trail, Sun 21 August, 10:45 - 3:00 pm; lots to see and enjoy for all the family.