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You can make a difference
If you could contribute a regular amount of £5.00 per month, especially with the benefit of Gift Aid, the church would be able to cover the cost of insurance to save it from closure.

Tithes and donations to St Laurence's keep our church open and help us fund much-needed repairs and will make St Laurence's the warm, welcoming, vibrant living space we know it can be. We'd love to hear from you if you feel able to give your money, time, or support—either regularly or just occasionally. 


Like all parishes in the Church of England, our Parish has to finance itself. Without support from those who visit and worship here, we can't maintain our ministry or our beautiful Grade I listed building.

It currently costs around £9k p.annum just to cover costs. Beyond March 2026 the future of St Laurence's is very uncertain as it is unlikely to be able to cover the cost of insurance - meaning the church may have to close. 


Our monthly expenditure has to cover:

  • Insurance - £4.5K p.annum!

  • Tower clock maintenance costs

  • The clergy team and parish administration

  • Building maintenance, heating and lighting

  • Churchyard maintenance


How can you give? 

  • You can set up a monthly, quarterly or annual Direct Debit donation. Bank details are: Corringham Parochial Church Council, Sort Code: 09-091-51, Acct. No. 2135805 (Santander Bank). If you are a taxpayer, you can Gift Aid, giving the church an extra £0.25p in the pound.

  • You can make a donation by cash (in a sealed envelope, please) or by cheque made payable to 'Corringham Parochial Church Council'. You can drop your donation with Jo Sims or Trish Hardwick of Corringham or at the Village Hall (10a Middle St, Corringham, Gainsborough DN21 5QR).

  • You can donate online on the 'Make a Donation' page or via this link.


Helping in kind

It's not just money that will help secure the church's future. Can you give your time to cleaning or tidying, display your talent at flower arranging, baking, or making items for sale at events?​ Perhaps become a guide to visitors or market and promote events — everything helps.


However you would like to help, we would love to hear from you.  

Would you email us and let us know?

Subscribe Form

Thanks for submitting!

Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough DN21 5YQ

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